if you have a new or recently bought laptop it wont have the required rs232 socket that you would connect your null modem cable to ( a newer desktop may have an rs232 socket ) if this is the case with your pc you will also need to buy a usb to serial adaptor cable and you connect your null modem cable to it ,giving you a null modem connection on one end for your box and a usb connection on the other for your pc. by connecting your dreambox to your pc with a null modem cable. Step one is to flash your dreambox ( this is putting the image in to the box ) there are a few ways to do this on some dreamboxes, but only one way if your using a dm500s. the first thing is an image ( this is the tv software ) as a lot of deambox are clones i suggest downloading a clone safe image, nabilosat darkstar or evoluton are excellent images ,you also will need to download and install universal dreamup v1.2.2.0 ( this puts the image in to your dreambox ) and you will need to download and install dream control center ( dcc you need this to edit cccamn) also you could download either peazip or winrar ( some software comes in zipped form and needs to be unzipped ) i would also create a new file in my pc and call it dreambox and store all the software in there so you can find it easily. The first thing you need to cardshare is a linux sat box, for this tutorial we will talk about a dreambox, a good place to start is with a dm500s you will need atleast a null modem cable ( to connect your dreambox to your pc ) and you will need to download some free software.