The apartment building is planned to stand seven stories where it fronts Ponce de Leon Avenue and then transition to about five stories where it backs up to the residences on Maiden Lane.Architects and designers have come up with inventive ways create privacy in open-plan offices. The office tower on the east parcel is expected to be two to three stories shorter. The tallest tower would be built in the west parcel and is expected to be “slightly shorter” than the 12-story 725 Ponce, according to Portman. Heights of the office towers are not finalized, according to Portman. Portman’s preliminary plans to improve walkability includes new, widened sidewalks and a connection to the Atlanta Beltline from the west parcel. All these buildings will be razed for the new development. 8ARM restaurant also was on the site, but closed after learning the property was sold for new development, and there’s also a busy Chipotle. Also on the site is the historic Paris on Ponce building that closed in 2019 after a massive fire. The gritty area is well-known for neighborhood businesses including MJQ Concourse, Friends on Ponce, The Bookhouse Pub and The Local. If all goes well, construction would start late next year and could be completed by 2026, Culver said. Detailed architectural drawings would begin only after the city approves the project. The rezoning process, which includes presentations to Neighborhood Planning Units, could take about six months. Kate Culver, vice president of Development for Portman, said the project is still in the early stages, but plans are to file a rezoning request with the city for the Virginia-Highland property early next year. Parking will be buried below grade, but number of spaces is still not known. Portman Holdings’ proposed site plan is divided into western and eastern parcels, divided by Ponce de Leon Place.