It seems that happen on the official version as well. The savestates for cave story, doom and quake cores doesn't work on retroarch. I sugest you make a save state after load the disk to not wait the game load again all the time. Fds roms on nestopia takes some time to load. If you dont have the original copy of these files, download at your own risck. Someone already made a pack with all necessary files (sega cd, pc engine, nestopia bios files and neogeo.zip). Bios files and other copyright stuff are not included. To avoid problems with copyright files, roms, bios, etc, there's only freeware homebrew games to show how the unofficial retroarch 0.9.8 works. You can use pics with 640x480 of size, but a 300x300 resolution is the beter choice to avoid problems. For the gamecovers and screenshots works well, don't use large png files, like 800圆00 resolution. The following files must be on system folder "Disksys.rom", "NstDatabase.xml", "syscard3.pce", "Bios_CD_J.bin", "bios_CD_U.bin" and "Bios_CD_E.bin". A program called Romcenter must be used to fix your roms before play games on FBA360 core. For GBA games run at good speed you must turn "off" the rewind feature on RetroArch settings.( Rewind feature turned "on" will Slowdown Gba Emulation ). ( This will fix the Video Ram error on neogeo games).

For NeoGeo games( FBA360 emulator ) work you must have the neogeo.zip file included inside on "roms\fba" folder, also the "rewind" feature must be turned "off" on Retro Arch settings. I'm new here, but sometime ago i was a very active member here : "" to download doom mp3 files. The TurboCD was my last major hurdle right now.Hi guys. I've been doing emulation the old fashioned pain in the ass way (MAME 0.161, individual emulators, etc.) too long and I've owned Big Box and LaunchBox since 2017 but never sat down and actually just did the friggin thing.Īnd then I got a new standing desk for my house and realized I could finally make the arcade I always wanted (sorry Player 4)Īpparently I lucked out and did MAME last because that new update made importing my MAMEset super easy (once I realized I needed to use my newer set and not my older one) to run it from regardless of computer I have it on. My goal is to get this all sorted out on my G drive on my desktop and then copy it all over to an external 500GB NVMe USB-C 3.2 enclosure/hub/video thing. G:\Arcade and Consoles\ROMS\PC Engine CD ROMS\Cosmic_Fantasy_2_(NTSC-U)_\Cosmic_Fantasy_2_(NTSC-U)_.cue The Cosmic Fantasy one is a bit longer but well under 255 (125 to be exact)

G:\Arcade and Consoles\ROMS\PC Engine CD ROMS\Loom (US)